Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lakeside Firefighters Tackle Vehicle Fire

Camino Canada: Firefighters from Lakeside's Lake Jennings fire station (fs3) responded to a reported vehicle fire at the park-and-ride on Camino Canada Rd. near Interstate 8 on Wednesday, May 26, 2010. The C-division crew from Engine 3 arrived to find a passenger vehicle with a well-involved engine compartment. The fire was extinguished using a preconnected hoseline and utilizing water from the 500 gallon tank on Engine 3.

Vehicle fires are among the many types of fires that Lakeside firefighters respond to every year.

Fire takes hold of the engine compartment.

Firefighters mask-up before beginning fire attack.

Firefighter/Paramedic Steve Russo knocks-down the fire

Making access to the engine compartment.

Submitted by: Captain Scott Culkin, Lakeside Fire District
Photos by: Engineer/Paramedic Richard Smith and FF/PM Steve Russo

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is definitely the best source of getting detailed news reports and excellent pictures of the difficulty of your work (and unfortunately the destruction that fire does). Good job guys!
