Friday, January 23, 2015

Lakeside Logistic Volunteers Group "Life Saving" Program

Lakeside, CA -

In 2011, the United States had 1,389,500 hostile fires resulting in 3,005 fatalities.  These fires resulted in a loss of $11.7 billion dollars.  Undoubtedly, many of these fire deaths could of been prevented by a properly operating smoke alarm.

Logistic Volunteer Marilyn Brown explains the program to Katheryn Miller, which includes the Vial of Life Program
The Lakeside Fire District's Logistical Volunteer Group (LVG), has been working in conjunction with the local Burn Institute, to provide a free smoke alarm to anyone over the age of 55 who owns their home. Since the inception of the program in 2013, the LVG's have installed 152 smoke alarms to the residents of Lakeside. This program includes installing new detectors, testing and providing batteries to existing smoke alarms.

Dick Bailey prepares the smoke alarm for installation
The finished product; a properly installed smoke alarm.
According to the Burn Institute, 75% of seniors who perish in fires did not have a working smoke alarm. The aim of this program is to diminish these horrific statistics.

Lakeside residents in need of a new smoke alarm, or have questions about an existing smoke alarm, can contact the Lakeside Fire District Administration Office, (Monday - Thursday 7am to 4pm), at 619-390-2350.

Marilyn Brown, Logistic Volunteer Group

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