Moreno Valley: On Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM, the Heartland Communications Center received multiple reports of a vegetation fire in the area of
San Vicente Ave and Topo Lane. The initial response included 3 structural engine companies, 2 brush companies, 2 chief officers, and an ALS medic unit. In addition, a full response was sent by CalFire including air assets from the Ramona and Gillespie Field Air Bases.
Crews put in a hose-lay on the northern boundary of the fire. |
On the arrival of Battalion One (Battalion Chief Laff), about one acre had been consumed and the fire was running towards the hills that line the eastern border of Moreno Valley. On the arrival of Engine 1, Medic 1 (Riverview Station), and Brush 2 (Eucalyptus Hills Station), a hose-lay was established to keep the fire out of heavier fuels to the north of the fire. Engine 3 (Lake Jennings Station) and E4 with Brush 4 (Santee-Cottonwood Station) established a hose lay to control the eastward advance of the fire. The hose-lays were soon backed up by CalFire and USFS ground crews.
Capt Brad Peterson (Santee Fire) working the crew on Division Alpha |
The fire had advanced to the base of the steep hills. Fortunately the fixed wing aircraft had arrived and an airdrop was made that essentially stopped the forward progress of the fire. Copters 538 (Ramona) and Copter 10 (Gillespie) made additional drops to make certain the fire's progress had stopped.
Lakeside Firefighter Bryan Peters chasing down the head of the fire on Division Alpha |
Fire Engineer Steve Schleif keeps an eye open for approaching aircraft. Crews have a healthy respect for safety when working around air assets. |
The cause of this fire is under investigation. Agencies on-scene include Lakeside, Santee, and CalFire, and USFS.
Copter 538 "slinging" water into the fire. |
Submitted By: Captain Mark Grow, Lakeside Fire District
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