Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fully-Involved Motorhome Brings Full Response in Lakeside

Lakeside, CA -

A motorhome on fire next to an occupied residence required a full structure fire resource response in the Glenview area of the Lakeside Fire District on Sunday, October 12, 2014. Initially dispatched as a large vehicle fire (two engines and a duty chief), Heartland Fire Communications dispatchers quickly upgraded the incident to a structure fire resource assignment (four engines, one truck, one medic, two chiefs) as additional calls and information were received.

Lakeside Engine 3 (Lake Jennings fire station) was on scene in just over six minutes reporting heavy smoke showing from the rear of a single-family residence. Engine 3 Captain Wes Barnes assumed Incident Command (IC) and ordered multiple hoselines to be stretched to protect the adjacent homes and attack the fully-involved motorhome in the backyard. The rapid response coupled with the aggressive actions of the first-in companies confined the fire to motorhome and kept the fire from extending to nearby homes.

Lakeside Fire would like to acknowledge our automatic-aid partners for their timely assistance in fighting this dangerous fire. Assisting agencies attending this incident included: E4, T4 (Santee); E8 (Heartland Fire-Rescue); Chief 4801 (Barona). Lakeside unit response included : E3, E1, OES305, M2, Div.4105, Div.4104, Chief 4101. San Diego Sheriff's deputies also assisted.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Firefighter-Paramedic Josh Raczka mops-up the motorhome.

Post by: Captain Scott Culkin, Lakeside Fire District.

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